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Sing Solo Sacred - 40 favourite songs and arias (low)
Hinta: 40,40
Adams: The Holy City
Allitsen: The Lord is my Light
Bach: Christians, on this day of gladness
Bach: Flocks in pastures green
Bach: If thou art near
Bach: Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Bach: May the father's boundless love
Bach: Up, up my heart with gladness
Bach/Gounod: Ave Maria
Bennard: The Old Rugged Cross
Bizet: Agnus Dei
Elgar: Ave verum
Fauré: Pie Jesu
Franck: Ave Maria
Franck: Panis Angelicus
Handel: Come unto him
Handel: I know that my redeemer liveth
Handel: Let the bright seraphim
Handel: Lowly they kneel
Handel: Merciful God
Head: The Lord's Prayer
Liddle: Abide with me
Liddle: The Lord is my shepherd
MacBeth Bain: Brother James Air
Mendelssohn: O for the wings of a dove
Mozart: Agnus Dei
Mozart: Alleluia
Mozart: Ave verum
Mozart: Laudate Dominum
Purcell: Hark, the echoing air
Schubert: Ave Maria
Schubert: Litany
Schubert: God shall wipe away all tears
Schubert: Refrain thy voice from weeping
Schubert: The Lost Chord
Vaughan Williams: He that is down
Walford Davies: God be in my head