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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Carmen (fr/engl)(Urtext)(vocal score)
Hinta: 45,60
Uusi pianopartituuri Carmenista (ranska/englanti)
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A major updating of previous vocal scores via sound scholarship and a practical concern for performance, casting and choral interpretation.
Unique sources: The new Edition Peters vocal score has focused on production details derived from documentation of French productions of the time aspects not preserved in the scores or librettos at the time, nor represented in other current editions.
Informative: A comprehensive foreword provides fascinating background information to the edition and to the performance of 'Carmen'.
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A major updating of previous vocal scores via sound scholarship and a practical concern for performance, casting and choral interpretation.
Unique sources: The new Edition Peters vocal score has focused on production details derived from documentation of French productions of the time aspects not preserved in the scores or librettos at the time, nor represented in other current editions.
Informative: A comprehensive foreword provides fascinating background information to the edition and to the performance of 'Carmen'.