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Lute Songs (1st and 2nd Books)(cto,gu)
Hinta: 31,00
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
The Original First and Second Books Including Dowland's Original Lute Tablature
About the Transcriptions
I. Unquiet thoughts
II. Who ever thinks or hopes of love
III. My thoughts are wing'd with hopes
IV. If my complaints could passions move
V. Can she excuse my wrongs?
VI. "Now, O now, I needs must part"
VII. "Dear, if you change"
VIII. "Burst forth, my tears"
IX. Go crystal tears
X. Think'st thou then by thy feigning
XI. "Come away, come sweet love"
XII. Rest awhile you cruel cares
XIII. "Sleep, wayward thoughts"
XIV. "All ye, whom Love or Fortune"
XIVa. "All ye, whom Love or Fortune"
XV. "Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me"
XVI. Would my conceit
XVII. Come again
XVIII. His golden locks
XIX. "Awake, sweet love, thou art return'd"
XX. "Come, heavy Sleep"
XXI. Away with these self-loving lads
------ My Lord Chamberlain his Galliard
(For two to play...)
I. I saw my Lady weep
II. Flow my tears
III. "Sorrow, stay"
IV. Die not before thy day
V. "Mourn, day is with darkness fled"
VI. "Time's eldest son, Old Age (The first part)"
VII. Then sit thee down (The second part)
VIII. When others sing Venite (The third part)
IX. Praise blindness eyes
X. O sweet woods
XI. If floods of tears
XII. Fine knacks for ladies
XIII. Now cease my wand'ring eyes
XIV. Come ye heavy states of night
XV. White as lilies was her face
XVI. Woeful heart
XVII. A shepherd in a shade
XVIII. Faction that ever dwells
XIX. Shall I sue
XX. Toss not my soul
XXI. Clear or cloudy
XXIa. Clear or cloudy
XXII. Humour say what mak'st thou here (a Dialogue)
------ Dowland's adieu for Master Oliver Cromwell