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Oxford Book of Flexible Anthems (flexible choir)
Hinta: 30,10
Ohjelmistoa kirkkokuoroille
- yli 60 joustavasti sovitettua hymniä, myös uusia sävellyksiä. Suurin osa kappaleista on laulettavissa myös ilman miesääniä diskanttikuorolla.
- sopii aloitteleville kuoroille, kuoroille joissa vain vähän miesääniä, ja kuoroille joiden harjoitusaika on rajoitettu
- pianolle tai uruille sopivat säestykset
John Rutter: A Clare Benediction
L. J. White: A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester
William Boyce: Alleluia
Cecilia McDowall: Author of life divine
David Evans arr. Richard Shephard: Be still for the presence of the Lord
Scottish Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Bread of the world
Malcolm Archer: Brightest and best
W. K. Stanton: Christ is the world's true light
Richard Shephard: Christ the Lord is risen again
J. S. Bach: Christians shout for joy and gladness
Hilary Tadman-Robins: Come down, O love divine
plainsong arr. John Scott: Creator of the Stars
Kerry Andrew: Drop, drop slow tears
Frank Henry Shera: Evening Service in C
Martin How: Fairest Lord Jesus
14th cent. Irish arr. Alan Bullard: Gabriel to Mary came
Botswanan Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Give thanks to God
Armstrong Gibbs: God be in my head
Alan Bullard: God in mine eternity
Alan Bullard: God so loved the world
Welsh Trad. arr. David Thorne: God that madest earth and heaven
Franz Liszt: Hail, Virgin Mary (Ave Maria)
David Thorne: Hark, the glad sound
Ian Ray: Harvest Carol
Cecil Cope: He is risen
Richard Farrant: Hide not thy face
Franz Schubert arr. Alan Bullard: Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord
Alan Smith: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
Georg Philipp Telemann: Hosanna to the Son of David
Bob Chilcott: Irish Blessing
Edward Elgar: Jesu, Lamb of God, Redeemer (Ave verum corpus)
English Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
W. A. Mozart: Jubilate (Let us praise you)
Samuel Webbe: Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
Stephen Cleobury: Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Alan Smith: Like the murmur of the dove's song
Felix Mendelssohn: Lord, in thy mercy
F. H. Shera: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C
Thomas Campion arr. Alan Bullard: Never weather-beaten sail
French Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Now the green blade riseth
English Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: O Breath of life
Charles Villiers Stanford: O for a closer walk with God
Simon Lole: O God of mercy
Ludwig van Beethoven: O God, your goodness
John Weldon: O praise God in his holiness
César Franck: Panis angelicus
Christopher Wiggins: Peace between nations
Gabriel Fauré: Pie Jesu
Hildegard of Bingen: Praise to the Trinity
Bob Chilcott: Psalm 150
Christopher Wiggins: Rejoice in the Lord always
African Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Shout for joy
Alan Bullard: Star of Wonder
Guidetti/Henry G. Ley: The eternal gifts of Christ the King
Ludwig van Beethoven: The Heavens sing praises to God
Michael Praetorius: The Lord ascendeth
John Rutter: The Lord bless you and keep you
Bob Chilcott: The Lord's my Shepherd
Alan Bullard: The Peace of God
David Blackwell: The True and Living Bread
Andrew Smith: There is no rose
Maurice Greene: Thou visitest the earth
Nick Burt: To be a Pilgrim
American spiritual arr. Peter Hunt: Were you there?
arr. Alan Bullard: Where all charity and love are (Ubi caritas)
Philip Wilby: Wondrous cross
- yli 60 joustavasti sovitettua hymniä, myös uusia sävellyksiä. Suurin osa kappaleista on laulettavissa myös ilman miesääniä diskanttikuorolla.
- sopii aloitteleville kuoroille, kuoroille joissa vain vähän miesääniä, ja kuoroille joiden harjoitusaika on rajoitettu
- pianolle tai uruille sopivat säestykset
John Rutter: A Clare Benediction
L. J. White: A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester
William Boyce: Alleluia
Cecilia McDowall: Author of life divine
David Evans arr. Richard Shephard: Be still for the presence of the Lord
Scottish Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Bread of the world
Malcolm Archer: Brightest and best
W. K. Stanton: Christ is the world's true light
Richard Shephard: Christ the Lord is risen again
J. S. Bach: Christians shout for joy and gladness
Hilary Tadman-Robins: Come down, O love divine
plainsong arr. John Scott: Creator of the Stars
Kerry Andrew: Drop, drop slow tears
Frank Henry Shera: Evening Service in C
Martin How: Fairest Lord Jesus
14th cent. Irish arr. Alan Bullard: Gabriel to Mary came
Botswanan Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Give thanks to God
Armstrong Gibbs: God be in my head
Alan Bullard: God in mine eternity
Alan Bullard: God so loved the world
Welsh Trad. arr. David Thorne: God that madest earth and heaven
Franz Liszt: Hail, Virgin Mary (Ave Maria)
David Thorne: Hark, the glad sound
Ian Ray: Harvest Carol
Cecil Cope: He is risen
Richard Farrant: Hide not thy face
Franz Schubert arr. Alan Bullard: Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord
Alan Smith: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
Georg Philipp Telemann: Hosanna to the Son of David
Bob Chilcott: Irish Blessing
Edward Elgar: Jesu, Lamb of God, Redeemer (Ave verum corpus)
English Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
W. A. Mozart: Jubilate (Let us praise you)
Samuel Webbe: Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
Stephen Cleobury: Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Alan Smith: Like the murmur of the dove's song
Felix Mendelssohn: Lord, in thy mercy
F. H. Shera: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C
Thomas Campion arr. Alan Bullard: Never weather-beaten sail
French Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Now the green blade riseth
English Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: O Breath of life
Charles Villiers Stanford: O for a closer walk with God
Simon Lole: O God of mercy
Ludwig van Beethoven: O God, your goodness
John Weldon: O praise God in his holiness
César Franck: Panis angelicus
Christopher Wiggins: Peace between nations
Gabriel Fauré: Pie Jesu
Hildegard of Bingen: Praise to the Trinity
Bob Chilcott: Psalm 150
Christopher Wiggins: Rejoice in the Lord always
African Trad. arr. Alan Bullard: Shout for joy
Alan Bullard: Star of Wonder
Guidetti/Henry G. Ley: The eternal gifts of Christ the King
Ludwig van Beethoven: The Heavens sing praises to God
Michael Praetorius: The Lord ascendeth
John Rutter: The Lord bless you and keep you
Bob Chilcott: The Lord's my Shepherd
Alan Bullard: The Peace of God
David Blackwell: The True and Living Bread
Andrew Smith: There is no rose
Maurice Greene: Thou visitest the earth
Nick Burt: To be a Pilgrim
American spiritual arr. Peter Hunt: Were you there?
arr. Alan Bullard: Where all charity and love are (Ubi caritas)
Philip Wilby: Wondrous cross