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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Chorissimo! Chorbuch für die Schule (SA,T/B)
Hinta: 46,60
All of me
Alles nur geklaut
Autumn leaves
Black Orpheus
Don't get around
Half a minute
House of the Rising Sun
Ich wollt' ich wär' ein Huhn
Killing Me Softly
Moon River
Mamma mia
Money, money, money
New York, New York
Side by side
Over the rainbow
Streets of London
The girl from Ipanema
Top of the world
The sound of silence
With a little help
Woman in love
You've got a friend
Workshop Vocal Percussion
All day, all night
Blind man
Deep River
Gott, du bist mein Gott
From the bottom of your heart
Han' me down
No need to knock
Let us break bread together
Oh Happy Day
Precious Mem'ries
Swing low, sweet chariot
This little light of mine
My Lord, what a mourning
That lucky old sun
Wake me, shake me
Workshop Körperperkussion
etc. sisällysluettelo vielä kesken!