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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 (suljettu ma 6.1.2025) | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Tango voices (cto,gu+CD)
Hinta: 41,00
Tangon matka 1800-luvun Buenos Airesin laitakaupungilta Euroopan kautta Lähi-Itään ja edemmäs - 26 tangoa eri puolilta maailmaa, mukana myös oma "Satumaa"-tangomme. Nuottikuva koostuu melodiasta, sointumerkeistä ja sanoista alkuperäiskielellä sekä englanniksi käännettynä. Vihkon mukana olevalla CD:llä on 26 klassista levytystä alkuperäisten artistien esittämänä.
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Songs from the soul of Buenos Aires and beyond
In the past two decades tango has experienced a popular resurgence worldwide. Almost universally familiar as a dance form, tango is also a distinctive genre of song or canción that was born in the impoverished outskirts of late 19th-century Buenos Aires. Whether sung in Spanish, or as would happen later, in Italian or Russian.
Twenty-six songs illustrate the growth and diversity of tango from its Argentine roots to its dissemination throughout Europe and into the Middle East and beyond. These songs are represented both in print - with melody lines, chord boxes and lyrics in their original language and in English - and through classic recordings by the original artists on the accompanying CD. The CD features 26 classic recordings by the original artists.
Donald Cohen is a New York born lawyer, history and music professor, guitarist and folklorist, he has also devoted himself to studying and collecting music from Europe and the Americas.
A Media Luz
Acompanada Y Sola
Ana El Owerke
El Bazar De Los Juguetes
El Choclo
Hon Ghen (Jalousie)
La Cumparsita
Le Plus Beau Tango Du Monde
Mi Buenos Aires Querido
Mi Noche Triste
Oh, Donna Clara
Se Salvo El Pibe
Senores, Yo Soy Del Centro
Sombras Nada Mas
Viejo Coche
Vuelvo Al Sur (Return To The South)
Yira, Yira
Yo No Se Que Me Han Hecho Tus Ojos
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Songs from the soul of Buenos Aires and beyond
In the past two decades tango has experienced a popular resurgence worldwide. Almost universally familiar as a dance form, tango is also a distinctive genre of song or canción that was born in the impoverished outskirts of late 19th-century Buenos Aires. Whether sung in Spanish, or as would happen later, in Italian or Russian.
Twenty-six songs illustrate the growth and diversity of tango from its Argentine roots to its dissemination throughout Europe and into the Middle East and beyond. These songs are represented both in print - with melody lines, chord boxes and lyrics in their original language and in English - and through classic recordings by the original artists on the accompanying CD. The CD features 26 classic recordings by the original artists.
Donald Cohen is a New York born lawyer, history and music professor, guitarist and folklorist, he has also devoted himself to studying and collecting music from Europe and the Americas.
A Media Luz
Acompanada Y Sola
Ana El Owerke
El Bazar De Los Juguetes
El Choclo
Hon Ghen (Jalousie)
La Cumparsita
Le Plus Beau Tango Du Monde
Mi Buenos Aires Querido
Mi Noche Triste
Oh, Donna Clara
Se Salvo El Pibe
Senores, Yo Soy Del Centro
Sombras Nada Mas
Viejo Coche
Vuelvo Al Sur (Return To The South)
Yira, Yira
Yo No Se Que Me Han Hecho Tus Ojos