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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Boosey & Hawkes Opera Anthology (mezzo,pf)
Hinta: 43,50
J.Adams: I Must Have Been Hysterical (The Death of Kinghoffer)
J.Adams: Am I In Your Light? (Doctor Atomic)
J.Adams: Past Fierce And Tossing Skies (Doctor Atomic)
J.Adams: La Anunciacion (El Niño)
D. Argento: On The Stroke Of Midnight! (The Aspern Papers)
D. Argento: Bellino's Aria (Casanova's Homecoming)
D. Argento: Madame D'Urfe's Aria (Casanova's Homecoming)
D. Argento: Was It Truly Destiny (The Dream of Valentino)
D. Argento: Nazimova's Aria (The Dream of Valentino)
D. Argento: Estella's Aria (Miss Havisham's Fire)
D. Argento: A Foreign Singer's Aria (Postcard From Morocco)
L. Bernstein: Thank You (Mass)
L. Bernstein: There Is A Garden (Trouble In Tahiti)
L. Bernstein: What A Movie! (Trouble In Tahiti)
B. Britten: Doctor Jessop's Midwife (Albert Herring)
B. Britten: What Would Missus Herring Say? (Albert Herring)
B. Britten: Lysander, Help Me Lysander (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
B. Britten: She Sleeps As A Rose Upon The Night (The Rape of Lucretia)
B. Britten: Give Him This Orchid (The Rape of Lucretia)
B. Britten: Is It All? (The Rape of Lucretia)
A. Copland: Ma's Song (The Tender Land)
C. Floyd: Take Off That Frown (Wuthering Heights)
J. Gay (realized by B. Britten): Thus When A Good Housewife Sees A Rat...How Cruel Are The Traytors (The Beggar's Opera)
H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst): Ah! Belinda, I am prest with torment (Dido and Aeneas)
H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst): When I Am Laid In Earth (Dido and Aeneas)
N. Rorem: Wind Around Me Like Satan's Snake (Miss Julie)
R. Strauss: Sein Wir Wieder Gut(Ariadne auf Naxos)
R. Strauss: Wie Du Warst!(Der Rosenkavalier)
I. Stravinsky: The Mother's Aria (Mavra)
I. Stravinsky: Nonn' Erubeskite, Reges (Oedipus Rex)
I. Stravinsky: As I Was Saying...Scorned! Abused! (The Rake's Progress)
I. Stravinsky: Sold! Annoyed! (The Rake's Progress)
J.Adams: Am I In Your Light? (Doctor Atomic)
J.Adams: Past Fierce And Tossing Skies (Doctor Atomic)
J.Adams: La Anunciacion (El Niño)
D. Argento: On The Stroke Of Midnight! (The Aspern Papers)
D. Argento: Bellino's Aria (Casanova's Homecoming)
D. Argento: Madame D'Urfe's Aria (Casanova's Homecoming)
D. Argento: Was It Truly Destiny (The Dream of Valentino)
D. Argento: Nazimova's Aria (The Dream of Valentino)
D. Argento: Estella's Aria (Miss Havisham's Fire)
D. Argento: A Foreign Singer's Aria (Postcard From Morocco)
L. Bernstein: Thank You (Mass)
L. Bernstein: There Is A Garden (Trouble In Tahiti)
L. Bernstein: What A Movie! (Trouble In Tahiti)
B. Britten: Doctor Jessop's Midwife (Albert Herring)
B. Britten: What Would Missus Herring Say? (Albert Herring)
B. Britten: Lysander, Help Me Lysander (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
B. Britten: She Sleeps As A Rose Upon The Night (The Rape of Lucretia)
B. Britten: Give Him This Orchid (The Rape of Lucretia)
B. Britten: Is It All? (The Rape of Lucretia)
A. Copland: Ma's Song (The Tender Land)
C. Floyd: Take Off That Frown (Wuthering Heights)
J. Gay (realized by B. Britten): Thus When A Good Housewife Sees A Rat...How Cruel Are The Traytors (The Beggar's Opera)
H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst): Ah! Belinda, I am prest with torment (Dido and Aeneas)
H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst): When I Am Laid In Earth (Dido and Aeneas)
N. Rorem: Wind Around Me Like Satan's Snake (Miss Julie)
R. Strauss: Sein Wir Wieder Gut(Ariadne auf Naxos)
R. Strauss: Wie Du Warst!(Der Rosenkavalier)
I. Stravinsky: The Mother's Aria (Mavra)
I. Stravinsky: Nonn' Erubeskite, Reges (Oedipus Rex)
I. Stravinsky: As I Was Saying...Scorned! Abused! (The Rake's Progress)
I. Stravinsky: Sold! Annoyed! (The Rake's Progress)