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Anthems and Choral Songs for upper-voice choirs
Hinta: 16,60
This collection of nine of John Rutter's most popular anthems, scored for upper-voices, has been carefully compiled to cover a variety of texts and styles. Embracing both sacred and secular material, the collection provides an eminently useful body of repertoire for upper-voice choirs.
A Clare Benediction
A flower remembered
A Gaelic Blessing
All things bright and beautiful
For the beauty of the earth
God be in my head
Look at the world
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Music's Always There With You
A Clare Benediction
A flower remembered
A Gaelic Blessing
All things bright and beautiful
For the beauty of the earth
God be in my head
Look at the world
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Music's Always There With You