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Oxford Book of Choral Music by Black Composers (SATB)
Hinta: 34,00
- 35 pieces for SATB choir, unaccompanied or with piano or organ
- Mixture of sacred and secular non-idiomatic works, including anthems, choral art songs, madrigals, motets, and part-songs
- Pieces from the Renaissance, Classical, and Romantic eras, in addition to the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
- Several pieces published here for the first tim
- Features composers from a variety of nations, including Brazil, Canada, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
- Includes a general introduction, biographical information for each composer, and commentary for each piece, including editorial practice and source information where applicable
- Playable piano reductions for rehearsal purposes, where needed
Hosanna to the Son of David, Adams
Music of Life, Boykin
O praise the Lord, Brown
Burton, Burton
Dona nobis pacem, Butler
Psalm 131, Carter
The 100th Psalm, Coleman
By the lone seashore, Coleridge-Taylor
The Lord is my strength, Coleridge-Taylor
Son of Mary, Dett
Four Little Foxes, Furman
Ave maris stella, Garcia
Alleluia, angelus Domini, Garcia
My heart be brave, Garrett
The Gift to Sing, Geter
God be merciful, Hailstork
Bring me all your dreams, Harris, C. H.
April Rain Song, Harris, R. A.
Oh, how can I keep from singing?, Harris, R. A.
Ecce sacerdos magnus, Hurd
As Joseph was a-walking, Kay
How stands the glass around?, Kay
Psalm 57, King
Emendemus in melius, Lusitano
A few more years shall roll, Margetson
See what love, McLin
In Celebration, Moore, D. R.
I, too, Moore, U. S.
Song of our Savior, Perry
Resignation, Price
Magnificat, Robles
Sanctus, Simon
Rivers of Living Water, Weston
The sun himself shall fade, Work
We are the music makers, Wright
- Mixture of sacred and secular non-idiomatic works, including anthems, choral art songs, madrigals, motets, and part-songs
- Pieces from the Renaissance, Classical, and Romantic eras, in addition to the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
- Several pieces published here for the first tim
- Features composers from a variety of nations, including Brazil, Canada, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
- Includes a general introduction, biographical information for each composer, and commentary for each piece, including editorial practice and source information where applicable
- Playable piano reductions for rehearsal purposes, where needed
Hosanna to the Son of David, Adams
Music of Life, Boykin
O praise the Lord, Brown
Burton, Burton
Dona nobis pacem, Butler
Psalm 131, Carter
The 100th Psalm, Coleman
By the lone seashore, Coleridge-Taylor
The Lord is my strength, Coleridge-Taylor
Son of Mary, Dett
Four Little Foxes, Furman
Ave maris stella, Garcia
Alleluia, angelus Domini, Garcia
My heart be brave, Garrett
The Gift to Sing, Geter
God be merciful, Hailstork
Bring me all your dreams, Harris, C. H.
April Rain Song, Harris, R. A.
Oh, how can I keep from singing?, Harris, R. A.
Ecce sacerdos magnus, Hurd
As Joseph was a-walking, Kay
How stands the glass around?, Kay
Psalm 57, King
Emendemus in melius, Lusitano
A few more years shall roll, Margetson
See what love, McLin
In Celebration, Moore, D. R.
I, too, Moore, U. S.
Song of our Savior, Perry
Resignation, Price
Magnificat, Robles
Sanctus, Simon
Rivers of Living Water, Weston
The sun himself shall fade, Work
We are the music makers, Wright