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Singing in Finnish (+CD)
Hinta: 26,60
Opas laulajille suomalaisten laulujen ääntämisestä, sisältää myös käännökset 75 lauluun. CD:llä muutamia esimerkkilauluja.
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A comprehensive, self-contained manual that will enable a singer to master the pronunciation of Finnish well enough to be able to sing Finnish songs, particularly classical songs composed in the Lied tradition.
Consisting of a manual plus a compact disk, Singing in finnish covers all significant aspects of the general principles underlying Finnish pronunciation, a description of each Finnish sound, and a walkthtrough of the pronunciation of a short excerpt of a song.
The book also contains a list of recommended recordings of the songs in this manual and translations of lyrics for 75 songs.
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A comprehensive, self-contained manual that will enable a singer to master the pronunciation of Finnish well enough to be able to sing Finnish songs, particularly classical songs composed in the Lied tradition.
Consisting of a manual plus a compact disk, Singing in finnish covers all significant aspects of the general principles underlying Finnish pronunciation, a description of each Finnish sound, and a walkthtrough of the pronunciation of a short excerpt of a song.
The book also contains a list of recommended recordings of the songs in this manual and translations of lyrics for 75 songs.