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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Nagaraja Krishna
Polska Travels: Composing (at) the Crossroads
Hinta: 25,00
In search of an itinerant musical home
EST 60
This thesis summarises and disseminates the findings of my artistic doctoral project Polska Travels, which applies the practice of composition and arrangement to the hybridisation of several musical genres, with folk music from Sweden, Finland, and Norway and Western art music as points of departure. The research studies the history of the polska tune family from its late renaissance and early baroque origins to the development of modern-day local variants, using the collected knowledge as the basis for original compositions and arrangements.
EST 60
This thesis summarises and disseminates the findings of my artistic doctoral project Polska Travels, which applies the practice of composition and arrangement to the hybridisation of several musical genres, with folk music from Sweden, Finland, and Norway and Western art music as points of departure. The research studies the history of the polska tune family from its late renaissance and early baroque origins to the development of modern-day local variants, using the collected knowledge as the basis for original compositions and arrangements.