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Baroque Solo Book (fda)
Hinta: 36,30
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
The essential 18th-Century unaccompanied repertoire for alto recorder
Edited by Bernard Thomas
Select Preludes and Vollentarys (1708) (complete)
Preludes from The Division Flute (1706)
Hotteterre, Preludes et Traits (1719)
Telemann, 12 Fantasias (c.1728)
Braun, 18 Solos from Pieces sans basse (1740)
Quantz, Solos from the Gieddle Collection
J.S. Bach, Partita (BWV 1013)
C.P.E. Bach, Sonata (1763)
Edited by Bernard Thomas
Select Preludes and Vollentarys (1708) (complete)
Preludes from The Division Flute (1706)
Hotteterre, Preludes et Traits (1719)
Telemann, 12 Fantasias (c.1728)
Braun, 18 Solos from Pieces sans basse (1740)
Quantz, Solos from the Gieddle Collection
J.S. Bach, Partita (BWV 1013)
C.P.E. Bach, Sonata (1763)