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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Andante festivo (4sax)(score,parts)
Hinta: 22,00
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Andante Festivo on yksi Sibeliuksen suosituimmista orkesteriteoksista. Tämän saksofonikvartettisovituksen pohjana on ollut teoksen alkuperäinen versio jousikvartetille, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vasta 1990-luvulla. Sovitus sopii niin vasta-alkajille kuin pidemmälle ehtineillekin. Se sopii hyvin konserttiin tai juhlallisen tilaisuuden seremoniamusiikiksi.
Andante Festivo is one of the most popular orchestral works by Jean Sibelius (1865¬-1957). The base for this the transcription for saxophone quartet has been the string quartet version, first published in the mid-1990s. Idiomatic adjustments have been made. These are mostly connected to the continuation of the phrases. The double stops of the violin and cello parts are rearranged in a manner more suitable for saxophones, honouring the original texture. The work is a slow and solemn work, suitable for beginners and professionals alike. It works well as a concert encore, or in an occasion when tranquil music is needed.
Sovitus saksofonikvartetille/ Transcription for Saxophone Quartet: Jari Eskola
Andante Festivo is one of the most popular orchestral works by Jean Sibelius (1865¬-1957). The base for this the transcription for saxophone quartet has been the string quartet version, first published in the mid-1990s. Idiomatic adjustments have been made. These are mostly connected to the continuation of the phrases. The double stops of the violin and cello parts are rearranged in a manner more suitable for saxophones, honouring the original texture. The work is a slow and solemn work, suitable for beginners and professionals alike. It works well as a concert encore, or in an occasion when tranquil music is needed.
Sovitus saksofonikvartetille/ Transcription for Saxophone Quartet: Jari Eskola