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Christmas Carols for flute - 20 easy carols for winter, Advent and Christmas for 1-3 flutes and piano
Hinta: 26,90
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics.
The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning.
The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition.
The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning.
The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition.