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High Performance Flute - The Sequel (fl,pf+CD)
Hinta: 34,00
Grade 5 onwards
Playing Pieces and Studies for Flute
By Robert Winn
68 New pieces from all eras
High-level of difficulty
With tips for daily practice / practice (including octave changes)
From baroque to classical music to jazz and gospel
With piano accompaniments
Includes CD with sheet music for 28 duets to print (PDF files)
Format: DIN A4
ISBN 978-3-89922-193-0, publisher no. AMA610168
167 Pages
In German and English
Playing Pieces and Studies for Flute
By Robert Winn
68 New pieces from all eras
High-level of difficulty
With tips for daily practice / practice (including octave changes)
From baroque to classical music to jazz and gospel
With piano accompaniments
Includes CD with sheet music for 28 duets to print (PDF files)
Format: DIN A4
ISBN 978-3-89922-193-0, publisher no. AMA610168
167 Pages
In German and English