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Learn as you play Saxophone
Hinta: 24,00
for alto/tenor saxophone
Peter Wastall’s award-winning series of tutor books for woodwind and brass instruments, now available in revised and refreshed editions to instruct and inspire the next generation of musicians, guiding them from beginner level to Grade 3 standard.
Divided into units that provide clear explanations of each new stage of learning, alongside plentiful exercises and graded concert pieces, the LEARN AS YOU PLAY method is simple to understand and easy to use.
Demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks and printable piano accompaniments are accessible online.
Peter Wastall’s award-winning series of tutor books for woodwind and brass instruments, now available in revised and refreshed editions to instruct and inspire the next generation of musicians, guiding them from beginner level to Grade 3 standard.
Divided into units that provide clear explanations of each new stage of learning, alongside plentiful exercises and graded concert pieces, the LEARN AS YOU PLAY method is simple to understand and easy to use.
Demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks and printable piano accompaniments are accessible online.