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Sonate C HWV 365 (fd/fl,pf/bc)
Hinta: 4,50
Jubilee Price - erikoishinta voimassa heinäkuuhun 2024!
Georg Friedrich Händel
Sonata for Flute and Basso continuo C major (HWV 365)
The sonatas for flute and basso continuo by George Frideric Handel have been firm favourites among flautists for 270 years. The edition published by Bärenreiter in 1955 could essentially only rely on the pieces issued by the Chrysander publishing house since 1858. In the meantime, the flute sonatas have been revised in the “Halle Handel Edition”, taking into account all available sources.
This single edition appears as part of a series of popular works from the Bärenreiter catalogue to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publishing house. It represents an excerpt from the anthology "Eleven Sonatas for Flute and Basso continuo" (BA04225). This reproduces the Urtext of the “Halle Handel Edition”. The Sonata in C major HWV 365 comprises five movements (1. Larghetto, 2. Allegro, 3. Larghetto, 4. A tempo di Gavotta, 5. Allegro). It enjoys great popularity and, although designated in the sources as a recorder sonata, it is played on the flute just as much.
Georg Friedrich Händel
Sonata for Flute and Basso continuo C major (HWV 365)
The sonatas for flute and basso continuo by George Frideric Handel have been firm favourites among flautists for 270 years. The edition published by Bärenreiter in 1955 could essentially only rely on the pieces issued by the Chrysander publishing house since 1858. In the meantime, the flute sonatas have been revised in the “Halle Handel Edition”, taking into account all available sources.
This single edition appears as part of a series of popular works from the Bärenreiter catalogue to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publishing house. It represents an excerpt from the anthology "Eleven Sonatas for Flute and Basso continuo" (BA04225). This reproduces the Urtext of the “Halle Handel Edition”. The Sonata in C major HWV 365 comprises five movements (1. Larghetto, 2. Allegro, 3. Larghetto, 4. A tempo di Gavotta, 5. Allegro). It enjoys great popularity and, although designated in the sources as a recorder sonata, it is played on the flute just as much.