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Advent, Advent! Sehr leichte Weihnachts- und Winterlieder (fds,fda/pf/gu)
Hinta: 24,90
für die Sopran-Blockflöte
mit Atl-Blockflöte und/oder Klavier (Gitarre)
Whoever begins learning the recorder after the summer holidays wants to be able to at least play a few tunes by Christmastime. The duo who authored the successful method "BlockflötenSpiel" has now come up with 17 Christmas carols that are very easy to play and contain two to four notes within the range of a fifth, from g1 to d2. They deliberately chose well-known texts for their little songs. Suitable accompanying instruments are the alto recorder, piano and/or the guitar (chord symbols are provided!). The three play-pages "My Wish List," "Wintertime" and "Christmas Bakery" lighten up the book and give the young musicians entertaining tasks.
"Entzückend kindergerecht gemacht!" (Christin Gürtelschmied, AGMO)
"Eine tolle Möglichkeit, bereits mit Blockflötenanfängern in der Weihnachtszeit zu musizieren." (Ingrid Held, Pamina)
mit Atl-Blockflöte und/oder Klavier (Gitarre)
Whoever begins learning the recorder after the summer holidays wants to be able to at least play a few tunes by Christmastime. The duo who authored the successful method "BlockflötenSpiel" has now come up with 17 Christmas carols that are very easy to play and contain two to four notes within the range of a fifth, from g1 to d2. They deliberately chose well-known texts for their little songs. Suitable accompanying instruments are the alto recorder, piano and/or the guitar (chord symbols are provided!). The three play-pages "My Wish List," "Wintertime" and "Christmas Bakery" lighten up the book and give the young musicians entertaining tasks.
"Entzückend kindergerecht gemacht!" (Christin Gürtelschmied, AGMO)
"Eine tolle Möglichkeit, bereits mit Blockflötenanfängern in der Weihnachtszeit zu musizieren." (Ingrid Held, Pamina)