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Mosaics 2 - 42 Solo Pieces (cl)
Hinta: 18,70
Mosaics 2 Clarinet - 42 Solo Pieces by James Rae
Part of the Trinity Performer's Series, Mosaics for Clarinet Book 2 offers fourty-two newly composed pieces by James Rae. This attractive, stand-alone repertoire book addresses specific areas of technique and will feature in the forthcoming Trinity Guildhall Woodwind Syllabus 2012-2014
Part of the Trinity Performer's Series, Mosaics for Clarinet Book 2 offers fourty-two newly composed pieces by James Rae. This attractive, stand-alone repertoire book addresses specific areas of technique and will feature in the forthcoming Trinity Guildhall Woodwind Syllabus 2012-2014