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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Theme and Variations in d (vc)
Hinta: 22,30
Kaunis ja virtuoosinen selloteos, jonka Sibelius sävelsi 22-vuotiaana, mutta jota ei ilmeisesti koskaan esitetty julkisesti Sibeliuksen elinaikana. Kappale sisältää runsaasti trillejä, kaksoisotteita ja vaativia juoksutuksia. J.S. Bach oli Sibeliuksen sellovariaatioiden tärkeänä tyylillisenä esikuvana, joskin muunnelmien pohjana olevassa teemassa on tiettyä suomalais-pohjoismaalaista väriä.
First publication of Sibelius's solo cello work dating from 1887 when the composer was 21 years. Theme and Variations was probably never performed in public during Sibelius's lifetime. The music owes much to Bach in terms of its style, although the theme on which the variations are based has a certain Finnish-Nordic flavour. The work has been recorded on the BIS label.
First publication of Sibelius's solo cello work dating from 1887 when the composer was 21 years. Theme and Variations was probably never performed in public during Sibelius's lifetime. The music owes much to Bach in terms of its style, although the theme on which the variations are based has a certain Finnish-Nordic flavour. The work has been recorded on the BIS label.