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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Progressive Duets 2 (Gazda,Clark)(2vla)
Hinta: 19,50
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Köhler: 2 Duets: Moderato, Andantino
Pleyel: Entree
Mendelssohn: Poco sostenuto
Köhler: Moderato
Händel: 2 Duets: Passepied, Bourree
Beethoven: Minuet G
Türk: 2 Duets: Hunting Horns, Echo
Gluck: Dance of the Spirits (Orfeo and Euridice)
Tsaikovski: Old French Song
Bach: Bourree
Mozart: Allegro
Diabelli: 2 Duets: Allegretto, Allegro
Donizetti: Aria (L'Elisir d'Amour)
Czerny: Allemande
Bach: Musette
Boieldieu: Allegro Moderato
Mozart: Nonso piu
C.P.E. Bach: 2 Duets, Pastorale, Allegro
Two Guitars (Russian Folk Song)
Clark: Quintus
W.F.Bach: Allegro
Verdi: Celeste Aida (Aida)
Mozart: Bourlesque
Schumann: Little Hunting Song
Clark: Free Flight
Ellmenreich: Spinning Song
Haydn: Vivace
Gariboldi: Allegro
Clark: Crystal Moon
Köhler: Moderato
Bach: Invention 8
Couppey: Etude