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2 Cellos: Sheet music collection (2vc)
Hinta: 24,90
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Ten cello duets performed by Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser on their four successful album releases, 2Cellos (2011), In2ition (2013), Celloverse (2015) and Score (2017). The book includes transcriptions of their duets for advanced cellists as well as separate pull-out sections for each cello part. Songs:
Every Breath You Take
Game of Thrones
Moon River
My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme from Titanic)
Orient Express
The Trooper
Wake Me Up!
We Found Love
Every Breath You Take
Game of Thrones
Moon River
My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme from Titanic)
Orient Express
The Trooper
Wake Me Up!
We Found Love