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Stepping Stones (vla,pf)
Hinta: 25,80
The Boosey & Hawkes Easy String Music series by Katherine & Hugh Colledge contains four volumes of repertoire for new and developing string players. Popular with teachers and students alike, each title steadily introduces and consolidates new techniques, fingerings, notes and rhythms to build firm foundations for future learning.
Each title is available in two editions one with a CD of demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks, and another with a piano accompaniment booklet plus access to downloadable audio resources.
Stepping Stones is the first volume within the series. The book offers a collection of twenty-six simple pieces for beginners. Open strings, first finger notes and simple rhythms are introduced.
Each title is available in two editions one with a CD of demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks, and another with a piano accompaniment booklet plus access to downloadable audio resources.
Stepping Stones is the first volume within the series. The book offers a collection of twenty-six simple pieces for beginners. Open strings, first finger notes and simple rhythms are introduced.