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In the Spirit of Bach - 6 Works for violin solo
Hinta: 35,20
Exactly 300 years after Bach completed his unique cosmos of the Sei Solo á Violino senza Basso accompagnato, Kolja Lessing is presenting a collection, rich in discovery, of also 6 solo violin works inspired by Bach. The anthology In the Spirit of Bach opens with the Suite in G minor op. 43 by Ferdinand David an epochal contribution to the Bach renaissance in the immediate vicinity of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Robert Schumann. The other 5 works are all in first editions documenting aspects of Bachs reception from late Romanticism, as reflected in Adolf Buschs 1908 Sonata in D major, through Classical Modernism, up to the present. In their individual styles and formal design, they are an eloquent testimony to the unbroken fascination that Bachs Sei Solo also exert on various composers in the 20th and 21st centuries. A high-caliber addition to the solo violin repertoire.
1. Ferdinand David: Suite Op. 43 (13')
2. Adolf Busch: Sonata in D major (16')
3. Emil Bohnke: Chiacona (13')
4. Walter Lessing: Sonata (15')
5. Veit Erdmann-Abele: Toccata-Chaconne (6')
6. Anton Kuerti: Sonata (18')
1. Ferdinand David: Suite Op. 43 (13')
2. Adolf Busch: Sonata in D major (16')
3. Emil Bohnke: Chiacona (13')
4. Walter Lessing: Sonata (15')
5. Veit Erdmann-Abele: Toccata-Chaconne (6')
6. Anton Kuerti: Sonata (18')