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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Solo Time for Cello 2 (vc,pf)
Hinta: 26,90
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
- 16 carefully selected and expertly arranged pieces, displaying an exciting range of styles
- Keys and techniques suited to players of advanced level (around Grades 5/6-8)
- Helpful fingering and bowing suggestions
- Informative notes on the pieces and composers
- Stylistic piano accompaniments for all the pieces
- Audio tracks of full performances and piano backing tracks for each piece available from the catalogue page of the OUP website
Sisällysluetteo / Table of contents:
Aria in F: from Cantatas BWV 208 and BWV 68, J. S. Bach
A Song for August, K. & D. Blackwell
Sugar with Cinnamon, Lavildevan
Élégie: from Op. 18 No. 2, Carreño
Song without Words, Op. 19 No. 1, Mendelssohn
Romance No. 1, Andrée
Puck: from Lyric Pieces, Op. 71 No. 3, Grieg
Rondo: from Sonata for bassoon and cello, K292, Mozart
Slavonic Dance: from 'American' Suite, Op. 98, Dvorák
Jota: No. 4 of Siete canciones populares españolas, de Falla
Deep River: from Op. 59 No. 10, Coleridge-Taylor
Allegro: from Sonata, Op. 1 No. 6, Lebrun
Nulla in mundo pax sincera: from RV 630, Vivaldi
Adagio Cantabile: No. 2 of Cinnamon Grove, Dett
Adagio and Allegro: from Sonata, Op. 2 No. 6, Marcello
Elegy, Op. 8 No. 3, Aulin
- Keys and techniques suited to players of advanced level (around Grades 5/6-8)
- Helpful fingering and bowing suggestions
- Informative notes on the pieces and composers
- Stylistic piano accompaniments for all the pieces
- Audio tracks of full performances and piano backing tracks for each piece available from the catalogue page of the OUP website
Sisällysluetteo / Table of contents:
Aria in F: from Cantatas BWV 208 and BWV 68, J. S. Bach
A Song for August, K. & D. Blackwell
Sugar with Cinnamon, Lavildevan
Élégie: from Op. 18 No. 2, Carreño
Song without Words, Op. 19 No. 1, Mendelssohn
Romance No. 1, Andrée
Puck: from Lyric Pieces, Op. 71 No. 3, Grieg
Rondo: from Sonata for bassoon and cello, K292, Mozart
Slavonic Dance: from 'American' Suite, Op. 98, Dvorák
Jota: No. 4 of Siete canciones populares españolas, de Falla
Deep River: from Op. 59 No. 10, Coleridge-Taylor
Allegro: from Sonata, Op. 1 No. 6, Lebrun
Nulla in mundo pax sincera: from RV 630, Vivaldi
Adagio Cantabile: No. 2 of Cinnamon Grove, Dett
Adagio and Allegro: from Sonata, Op. 2 No. 6, Marcello
Elegy, Op. 8 No. 3, Aulin