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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Waltz no 2 (2vc)
Hinta: 15,00
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Schostakowitsch Dmitri
Waltz No. 2 for 2 violoncellos
Possibly one of Shostakovich’s most famous and best-loved tunes, the Waltz from his Suite for Variety Orchestra has appeared in very many arrangements. Simple, yet engaging, it’s always an audience pleaser and David Brooker has provided flexible new versions for string players. Published in three different volumes, it can be played (with the use of ossia parts if necessary) by duos of violin/cello, viola/cello, two cellos, violin/viola or two violas. Duets for these combinations are thin on the ground so these publications will be of great use for teachers and students alike.
Waltz No. 2 for 2 violoncellos
Possibly one of Shostakovich’s most famous and best-loved tunes, the Waltz from his Suite for Variety Orchestra has appeared in very many arrangements. Simple, yet engaging, it’s always an audience pleaser and David Brooker has provided flexible new versions for string players. Published in three different volumes, it can be played (with the use of ossia parts if necessary) by duos of violin/cello, viola/cello, two cellos, violin/viola or two violas. Duets for these combinations are thin on the ground so these publications will be of great use for teachers and students alike.