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Advent, Advent! Sehr leichte Weihnachts- und Winterlieder (vl,vl/pf/gu)
Hinta: 24,90
für Violine
mit zweiter Violine und/oder Klavier (Gitarre)
In the original recorder version, the collection “Advent, Advent!” brought lots of fun and enjoyment to many children and adults. Now, Ulrike Wildenhof has "translated" the compelling concept for her instrument, which will make the eyes of young violinists shine during the Christmas season. All songs can be played in the first position. The book begins with an introduction to the individual fingers, then come changes of strings, portato and legato. To give beginners a chance to play with accompaniment, a second violin part for more advanced players has been included and the piano part has been kept simple. Chord symbols for the guitar have also been provided. Three extra pages of music were added to encourage players to practice, listen, write music and even color. The three authors wish all young musicians lots of fun playing this Christmas music!
mit zweiter Violine und/oder Klavier (Gitarre)
In the original recorder version, the collection “Advent, Advent!” brought lots of fun and enjoyment to many children and adults. Now, Ulrike Wildenhof has "translated" the compelling concept for her instrument, which will make the eyes of young violinists shine during the Christmas season. All songs can be played in the first position. The book begins with an introduction to the individual fingers, then come changes of strings, portato and legato. To give beginners a chance to play with accompaniment, a second violin part for more advanced players has been included and the piano part has been kept simple. Chord symbols for the guitar have also been provided. Three extra pages of music were added to encourage players to practice, listen, write music and even color. The three authors wish all young musicians lots of fun playing this Christmas music!