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Cello Time Sprinters (cello acc)
Hinta: 16,60
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Vihko sisältää sellosäestykset kaikkiin Cello Time Sprinters -vihkon kappaleisiin. Säestykset voi soittaa joko opettaja tai edistyneempi oppilas.
An addition to the Cello Time series for young cellists, this book provides cello accompaniments to all of the pieces in Cello Time Cello Time Sprinters. The duet part is suitable for a teacher or more advanced student, and this duet book will enhance lessons by providing an alternative accompaniment option for these popular pieces.
An addition to the Cello Time series for young cellists, this book provides cello accompaniments to all of the pieces in Cello Time Cello Time Sprinters. The duet part is suitable for a teacher or more advanced student, and this duet book will enhance lessons by providing an alternative accompaniment option for these popular pieces.