
Vaskipuhaltimet - Käyrätorvi

Hakutulokset 403
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Säveltäjä Tuotenumero Teos Hinta
Beethoven HN 498 Sonate F op 17 (cor/vc,pf) 21,00 € Osta
Getchell EL 01748 First Book of Practical Studies for French Horn (cor) 18,00 € Osta
Larsson CG 5137u Concertino op 45/5 (cor,pf) 34,00 € Osta
Getchell EL 01749 Second book of practical studies for French Horn (cor) 18,00 € Osta
Panseron TAM 01003 20 Cantilena (cor) 16,60 € Osta
Strauss UE 34725 Concerto 1 Es op 11 (cor,pf) 26,90 € Osta
Kokoelma NP 770202 Hulda Horns andra spelbok (Lindqvist) 23,80 € Osta
Franz HAL 2020 Waldhornschule (cor) 30,70 € Osta
Nauber ZM 17670 30 Leichte melodische Übungen op 33 (cor) 17,50 € Osta
Schantl WIND 1 Grand Theoretical and Practical Method for the Valve Horn 25,30 € Osta
Huth WH 178 45 Neue Vorschulübungen für Waldhorn op 3 (cor) 29,00 € Osta
Kilpiö KL 2003u24sp Black Joy (cor) 15,80 € Osta
Kokoelma FEN 815 World Famous Classics (cor,CD) 30,10 € Osta
Hoeltzel ED 9935 Mastery of the French Horn (cor) 35,20 € Osta
Kokoelma EP 8663 Orchester Probespiel (cor) 37,30 € Osta
Kokoelma ALF 39226 Harry Potter Instrumental Solos Complete Film Series (cor) 23,80 € Osta
Kokoelma Z 14774 Trios and quartets for horns (3-4cor) 28,70 € Osta
Faure EDO 9922 Pavane op 50 (cor,pf) 12,00 € Osta
Dukas HN 1170 Villanelle (cor,pf) 19,70 € Osta
Grieg CM 013 Funeral March (cor,pf) 13,10 € Osta
Kataja M 550121249 Torvitaikurin taikakirja (cor,pf) 33,20 € Osta
Eerola EL 2011u108sp 30 Etydiä käyrätorvelle (cor) 19,20 € Osta
Hongisto PINE 62 3 Pieces (cor,pf) 15,80 € Osta
Haapanen,Perttu HP 2008u76sp Prism (cor) 15,80 € Osta
Kokoelma NP 770204 Blåsbus 1 Valthorn (Utbult)(cor) 25,90 € Osta
Kokoelma NP 770205 Blåsbus 2 (cor) 28,00 € Osta
Kokoelma RM 3733 Cor Solos (Molinaro)(cor,pf,CD) 30,10 € Osta
Glazunov HN 1285 Reverie op 24 (cor,pf) 13,50 € Osta
Hesse MPM 11-010 Daily Routines for Horn (cor) 36,30 € Osta
Faure EDO 9970 Apres un reve op 7/1 (Birtel)(cor,pf) 9,80 € Osta
Kokoelma ED 22107 Classical Highlights (Mitchell)(cor,pf) 31,80 € Osta
Hyytinen I 9789529373369 Soiton ydin - Soittaminen kehon keskuksesta 46,60 € Osta
Eerola EL 2012u116ps/horn Rohtokokoelma (cor,pf) 21,80 € Osta
Kokoelma ALF 46768 Hit Movie & TV Instrumental Solos (cor,pf+CD) 20,60 € Osta
Neruda HN 561 Concerto Es (cor/tr,pf) 20,20 € Osta
Weber HN 1179 Concertino op 45 (cor,pf) 20,20 € Osta
Kokoelma ED 21826 Concert favourites (cor,pf) 30,10 € Osta
Wiggins CW 473l Two's Company - 16 Little Duets op 157b (2cor) 22,80 € Osta
Kari Karjalainen & Jouni Suuronen I 9790803367011 Käyrätorvikirja 1 36,20 € Osta
Beethoven BA 10939 Sonate F op 17 (cor/vc,pf) 21,80 € Osta
Melartin M 550114753 Pieni kvartetti neljälle cornille - Little Quartet for Four Horns op 185 (score,parts)(4cor) 21,20 € Osta
Strauss HN 1253 Concerto 1 Es (cor,pf) 29,00 € Osta
Strauss HN 1332 Andante C (cor,pf) 17,60 € Osta
Strauss HN 1255 Concerto 2 Es (cor,pf) 29,00 € Osta
Mozart BA 5314a Concerto 1 D KV 412+514(=KV 386b)(cor,pf) 26,90 € Osta
Kokoelma NP 770201 Hulda Horns första spelbok (Lindqvist) 23,80 € Osta
Salonen CH 61768 Concert etude (cor) 20,00 € Osta
Reicha FH 2268 6 Trios op 82 (3 cor,score) 21,40 € Osta
Cooke ED 10231 Rondo B (cor,pf) 11,10 € Osta
Dvorak IMC 3341 Romantic Pieces op 75 (cor,pf) 10,60 € Osta
Haydn HS 586k Concerto Es (2cor,pf) 25,70 € Osta
Kokoelma DHP 1002440-400 Look, Listen & Learn 2 (Botma,Kastelein)(cor,CD) 24,00 € Osta
Kling IMC 1576 25 Studies et Preludes (cor) 18,60 € Osta
BIC 00351/sp French Horn Student Level 3 11,10 € Osta
Beethoven FH 17 May Song op 52 no 4 (Dishinger) (cor,pf) 12,10 € Osta
Bach FH 1 Menuet G (from A.M.Bach Notebook) (cor,pf) 12,10 € Osta
Kokoelma GEN 1834 Three's a Crowd Supplementary Book 1(Eb-horn) (Power) 8,10 € Osta
Kokoelma GEN 2189 Three's a Crowd Eb-horn(easy) 5,90 € Osta
Schumann IMC 3342 Fantasy Pieces op 73 (Machala)(cor,pf) 24,00 € Osta
Kokoelma DH 1002008 Look, Listen & Learn 1 (Botma,Kastelein)(cor,CD) 24,00 € Osta
Wessman M 96 15 intonaatiota (cor,pf) 12,60 € Osta
Eccles IMC 2409 Sonata g (cor,pf) 11,50 € Osta
Atterberg EB 5408 Concerto a op 28 (cor,pf) 17,40 € Osta
Kokoelma D 168 2 New Pieces for Horn 1 9,60 € Osta
Kokoelma GEN 2194 Three's a Crowd F-horn 5,90 € Osta
Dukas FDS 6797 Villanelle (cor,pf) 21,70 € Osta
Bach FH 9 Musette (from A.M.Bach Notebook) (cor,pf) 12,10 € Osta
Froseth EV 2 Individualised Instructor, Supplementary book 1 (cor 16,90 € Osta
Mozart BA 5329a Rondo Es KV 371 (cor,pf) 16,00 € Osta
Ployhar BIC 00251 French Horn Student 2 (intermediate)(cor) 15,70 € Osta
ZM 33100 Orchesterstudien: Schostakowitsch (cor) 32,00 € Osta
Paul DOB 5602 Waldhornschule 2 (50 neue melodische Etüden) 19,00 € Osta
Musgrave CH 00448 Music for Horn and Piano 34,00 € Osta
Desportes AL 20221 Ballade Normande (cor,pf) 22,00 € Osta
Vignery ADL 00695 Sonate op 7 (cor,pf) 19,00 € Osta
Demessieux DF 13929 Ballade op 10 (cor,pf) 24,00 € Osta
Strauss F UE 1369 Concerto op 8 (cor,pf) 27,70 € Osta
Dauprat GB 4412 Sonate op 2 (cor,pf) 26,00 € Osta
Chabrier GB 1853 Larghetto (cor,pf) 19,20 € Osta
Mozart IMC 3529 Concerto 1 D KV 412 (cor,pf)(solo part) 12,00 € Osta
Strauss M 060025303 Andante F (cor,pf) 23,80 € Osta
Kokoelma M 060110689 Bravo Horn (cor,pf) 26,10 € Osta
Schumann EB 6693 Konzertstück F op 86 (4cor,pf) 35,20 € Osta
Haydn M UE 25009c Concertino (cor,pf) 21,00 € Osta
Pepusch MCCOY 200 Sonata 4 C (cor,pf) 25,60 € Osta
Pepusch MCCOY 300 Sonata 1 C (cor,pf) 25,60 € Osta
Tsaikovski W 1645 Andante cantabile (from Symphony no 5) (cor,pf) 9,00 € Osta
Mozart BA 5312a Concerto 3 Es KV 447 (cor,pf) 22,80 € Osta
Vivaldi FEN 321 Largo (Winter)(Humphries)(cor,pf) 19,80 € Osta
Wilder MA 2600113 22 Duets (2cor) 24,80 € Osta
Wilder MA 2600114 Sonata 3 (cor,pf) 42,80 € Osta
Mozart EP 8919 Concerto 4 Es KV 495 (cor,pf) 19,60 € Osta
Mozart EP 8922 Concerto 3 Es KV 447 (cor,pf) 21,50 € Osta
Granados IMC 3453 Danzas espanolas No 5 (Andaluza) (cor,pf) 13,00 € Osta
Labarre IMD 447 Nocturne 1 (cor,arpa) 27,30 € Osta
Kokoelma EP 1005 Romantiska duetter vol 1 (2cor) 17,50 € Osta
Kokoelma EP 1008 Romantiska duetter vol 4 (2cor) 17,50 € Osta
Bellman EP 2010 7 Epistlar (Sjösvärd) (4cor)(score & parts) 45,80 € Osta
Ericsson PROC Romans (cor,pf) 28,30 € Osta
Kokoelma EP 1006 Romantiska duetter vol 2 (2cor) 17,50 € Osta
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