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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Trumpet Basics (Pupil's Book+CD)
Hinta: 25,20
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
John Millerin monipuolinen soitto-opas trumpetin alkeisopetukseen.
Sisältää CD-levyllä piano- ja trumpettisäestykset kappaleille.
NEW EDITION - Uudistettu laitos
Stage 1: Up And Down
Wavy Line
First Things First
Mirror Image
The First Digit
No Stopping
Hippo March
Stage 2: Happy Harry
Watch Your Step!
Haunted House
Folk Song
Quick Quick Slow
Stage 3: Quick March
Sad Tale
Any Old Iron?
Count As You Play
Stage 4: Lightly Row
Mind Your Fingers
Hansel And Gretel (Humperdinck)
Stage 5: Simple Song
That Does It!
Smooth N Groovy
O When The Saints
Stage 6: The Green Man
Old Macdonalds Echo
Stage 7: Ode To Joy (Beethoven)
Lottery Loser
Stage 8: Smooth As Silk
Kum Ba Yah
The Old Temple
No, No, No, No Geordie Munro
A Vision For You
Stage 9: Fish N Chips
Postman Pat
Carnival Of Venice
Listening Power
Stage 10: Woozy Cat Waltz
Kalinka 0571**ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Nicolai/Bach: Sunday Best
Stage 11: Yankee Doodle
In Five
Simple Gifts
Stage 12. Jingle Bells
Concert Pieces: Rondo (Susato) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Your First Hit Single (Wedgwood) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
The Ballad Of The East Neuk (Miller)
Stage 13: Sharpen That Tongue
Poulton: Aura Lee
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Stage 14: Winter
The Happy Ending
Theme From The Godfather (Rota) Stage 15: Loch Lomond
Scarborough Fair
For His Majestys Sagbutts And Cornets
Stage 16: Can-Can (Offenbach)
Country Dance
Mussorgsky: Promenade
The First Nowell
Cornish Dance (Arnold) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Stage 17: Joy To The World (Handel)
Frankie And Johnny
Stage 18: French March (Arban)
O Sole Mio (Di Capua)
Stage 19: William Tell (Rossini)
Blue-Note Blues
Stage 20: Rock Improvisation
Concert Pieces: Lancaster Lullaby (Miller)
Flashback (Wedgwood) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Twelfth Street Rag (Bowman) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
The Wild Man (Miller)
Sweeney Todd (Arnold)
Sisältää CD-levyllä piano- ja trumpettisäestykset kappaleille.
NEW EDITION - Uudistettu laitos
Stage 1: Up And Down
Wavy Line
First Things First
Mirror Image
The First Digit
No Stopping
Hippo March
Stage 2: Happy Harry
Watch Your Step!
Haunted House
Folk Song
Quick Quick Slow
Stage 3: Quick March
Sad Tale
Any Old Iron?
Count As You Play
Stage 4: Lightly Row
Mind Your Fingers
Hansel And Gretel (Humperdinck)
Stage 5: Simple Song
That Does It!
Smooth N Groovy
O When The Saints
Stage 6: The Green Man
Old Macdonalds Echo
Stage 7: Ode To Joy (Beethoven)
Lottery Loser
Stage 8: Smooth As Silk
Kum Ba Yah
The Old Temple
No, No, No, No Geordie Munro
A Vision For You
Stage 9: Fish N Chips
Postman Pat
Carnival Of Venice
Listening Power
Stage 10: Woozy Cat Waltz
Kalinka 0571**ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Nicolai/Bach: Sunday Best
Stage 11: Yankee Doodle
In Five
Simple Gifts
Stage 12. Jingle Bells
Concert Pieces: Rondo (Susato) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Your First Hit Single (Wedgwood) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
The Ballad Of The East Neuk (Miller)
Stage 13: Sharpen That Tongue
Poulton: Aura Lee
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Stage 14: Winter
The Happy Ending
Theme From The Godfather (Rota) Stage 15: Loch Lomond
Scarborough Fair
For His Majestys Sagbutts And Cornets
Stage 16: Can-Can (Offenbach)
Country Dance
Mussorgsky: Promenade
The First Nowell
Cornish Dance (Arnold) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Stage 17: Joy To The World (Handel)
Frankie And Johnny
Stage 18: French March (Arban)
O Sole Mio (Di Capua)
Stage 19: William Tell (Rossini)
Blue-Note Blues
Stage 20: Rock Improvisation
Concert Pieces: Lancaster Lullaby (Miller)
Flashback (Wedgwood) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
Twelfth Street Rag (Bowman) **ABRSM selected piece: Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn syllabus from 2009
The Wild Man (Miller)
Sweeney Todd (Arnold)