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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Movie Classics (tr,pf)
Hinta: 35,20
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
(Ive Had) The Time Of My Life (from: Dirty Dancing)
The Lonely Shepherd (from: Kill Bill)
The Godfather Waltz (from: The Godfather)
Makin Whoopee (from: The Fabulous Baker Boys)
Over The Rainbow (from: The Wizard of Oz)
Life Is Beautiful (Beautiful That Way; from: Life is beautiful, Original: La vita è bella)
Manha do Carnaval (Black Orpheus)
Misirlou (from: Pulp Fiction)
Gabriellas Sång (from: As It Is Heaven, Original: Sa som i himmelen)
It Must Have Been Love (from: Pretty Woman)
Clair de lune (from: Seven Years In Tibet and Twilight)
Night Fever (from: Saturday Night Fever)
Un homme et une femme (from: A Man and a woman)
This Is My Fathers World (melody that inspired the soundtrack of Lord Of The Rings)
(Ive Had) The Time Of My Life (from: Dirty Dancing)
The Lonely Shepherd (from: Kill Bill)
The Godfather Waltz (from: The Godfather)
Makin Whoopee (from: The Fabulous Baker Boys)
Over The Rainbow (from: The Wizard of Oz)
Life Is Beautiful (Beautiful That Way; from: Life is beautiful, Original: La vita è bella)
Manha do Carnaval (Black Orpheus)
Misirlou (from: Pulp Fiction)
Gabriellas Sång (from: As It Is Heaven, Original: Sa som i himmelen)
It Must Have Been Love (from: Pretty Woman)
Clair de lune (from: Seven Years In Tibet and Twilight)
Night Fever (from: Saturday Night Fever)
Un homme et une femme (from: A Man and a woman)
This Is My Fathers World (melody that inspired the soundtrack of Lord Of The Rings)