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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Concerto "Koli" (tr,pf)
Hinta: 31,00
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Concerto for trumpet and orchestra "Koli" - Solo part & piano reduction
Commisisoned by Lieksa Brass Week and premiered by its artistic leader Jouko Harjanne in 2022, Panu Aaltio's Concerto for trumpet and orchestra is now available as solo part & piano reduction. The subtitle Koli refers to the famous hill, which has inspired artists like Jean Sibelius and Eero Järnefelt. Finnish nature and animals are the source for Aaltio's concerto, starting from the wake of the forest of the first movement, with darker colours of a tragedy in the second and finally the reutrun of the light and hope in the third movement.
Panu Aaltio (b. 1982) is a film composer based in Helsinki and Los Angeles. He has composed music to 30 feature films, multiple TV series and video games, as well as a full-length ballet for the Finnish National Opera.
Commisisoned by Lieksa Brass Week and premiered by its artistic leader Jouko Harjanne in 2022, Panu Aaltio's Concerto for trumpet and orchestra is now available as solo part & piano reduction. The subtitle Koli refers to the famous hill, which has inspired artists like Jean Sibelius and Eero Järnefelt. Finnish nature and animals are the source for Aaltio's concerto, starting from the wake of the forest of the first movement, with darker colours of a tragedy in the second and finally the reutrun of the light and hope in the third movement.
Panu Aaltio (b. 1982) is a film composer based in Helsinki and Los Angeles. He has composed music to 30 feature films, multiple TV series and video games, as well as a full-length ballet for the Finnish National Opera.