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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
13 Favorite Baroque Trumpet Works (arr.Mueller)(2tr)
Hinta: 35,20
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Bach, J.S.: "Grosser Herr......"
Bach, J.S.: "Jauchzet Got......"
Corelli: Sonata
Fasch: Concerto
Handel: "Let The Bright Seraphim"
Handel: "The Trumpet Shall Sound"
Handel: Suite
Hertel: Concerto No.3
Mozart, Leopold: Concerto
Purcell: Sonata
Telemann: Concerto
Telemann: Sonata G.1
Torelli: Concerto "Etienne Roger"
Bach, J.S.: "Grosser Herr......"
Bach, J.S.: "Jauchzet Got......"
Corelli: Sonata
Fasch: Concerto
Handel: "Let The Bright Seraphim"
Handel: "The Trumpet Shall Sound"
Handel: Suite
Hertel: Concerto No.3
Mozart, Leopold: Concerto
Purcell: Sonata
Telemann: Concerto
Telemann: Sonata G.1
Torelli: Concerto "Etienne Roger"