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Oxford Book of Ceremonial Music for Organ
Hinta: 35,00
33 grand ceremonial pieces that are ideal for use at weddings, as voluntaries, or for recitals. Not all the music is loud and extrovert: together with pieces like fanfares and marches, the collection contains a sprinkling of quieter items in solemn mood.
Chorale from Suite Gothique, Boëllmann
Menuet gothique from Suite Gothique, Boëllmann
Allegro from Symphony in D, Boyce
Sun Dance from Organ Dances, Chilcott
Fanfare from La péri, Dukas
Nimrod from Enigma Variations, Elgar
Toccata, Fletcher
Grand choeur dialoguée, Gigout
Two pieces from Judas Maccabeus (See, the conqu'ring hero come!; March), Handel
La Rejouissance from Fireworks Music, Handel
Minuet from Fireworks Music, Handel
Interlude from Water Music, Handel
Processional, Ives
March, Jackson
Tuba tune, Lange
Tuba Magna, Madden
Recessional, Mathias
Fanfare, Mathias
War march of the priests, Mendelssohn
Les Gendarmes, Muffat
Gavotte, Muffat
Carillon, Murrill
Elegy, Parry
Festival voluntary, Peeters
Rondo from Abdelazar, Purcell
Three Pieces from Dioclesian (Dance of the Bacchanais), Purcell
First Act Tune, Purcell
Second Music, Purcell
Grand Choeur, Salomé
Ceremonial March, Sumsion
Siciliene, von Paradis
Solemn Melody, Walford Davies
Introduction and March from the Battle of Britain, Walton
Chorale from Suite Gothique, Boëllmann
Menuet gothique from Suite Gothique, Boëllmann
Allegro from Symphony in D, Boyce
Sun Dance from Organ Dances, Chilcott
Fanfare from La péri, Dukas
Nimrod from Enigma Variations, Elgar
Toccata, Fletcher
Grand choeur dialoguée, Gigout
Two pieces from Judas Maccabeus (See, the conqu'ring hero come!; March), Handel
La Rejouissance from Fireworks Music, Handel
Minuet from Fireworks Music, Handel
Interlude from Water Music, Handel
Processional, Ives
March, Jackson
Tuba tune, Lange
Tuba Magna, Madden
Recessional, Mathias
Fanfare, Mathias
War march of the priests, Mendelssohn
Les Gendarmes, Muffat
Gavotte, Muffat
Carillon, Murrill
Elegy, Parry
Festival voluntary, Peeters
Rondo from Abdelazar, Purcell
Three Pieces from Dioclesian (Dance of the Bacchanais), Purcell
First Act Tune, Purcell
Second Music, Purcell
Grand Choeur, Salomé
Ceremonial March, Sumsion
Siciliene, von Paradis
Solemn Melody, Walford Davies
Introduction and March from the Battle of Britain, Walton