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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Women Composers 1 - A Graded Anthology for Piano
Hinta: 18,00
Grades 1-4
Elisabetta de Gambarini (17311765): Minuet
Florence Ada Goodrich (18501928): Water Sprite
Narcisa Freixas (18591926): LOcell
Felicitas Kukuck (19142001): The Boat
Barbara Heller (*1936): Joker - Melanie Spanswick (*1969): Mirage
Rachael Forsyth (*1982): Soggy Shoes Blues
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (16651729): Menuet
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (18571930): A Harvest Reel
Hedwige Chrétien (1859-1944): Pierrot sautille - Gertrud Orff-Willert (19142000): Andante con moto
Ivana Loudová (19412017): The Sleeping Beauty
Wendy Hiscocks (*1963): Fig and Fennel
Vera Mohrs (*1984): Two Cats Playing
Anna Bon (1738after 1767): Andante
Maria Szymanowska (17891831): Mazurka
Elfrida Andrée (18411929): Allegro moderato
Agathe Backer Grøndahl (18471907): Song of Youth
Ethel Smyth (18581944): Minuet
Mélanie Bonis (18581937): Frère Jacques
Samantha Ward (*1982): Rockin Fingers
Elisabetta de Gambarini (17311765): Minuet
Florence Ada Goodrich (18501928): Water Sprite
Narcisa Freixas (18591926): LOcell
Felicitas Kukuck (19142001): The Boat
Barbara Heller (*1936): Joker - Melanie Spanswick (*1969): Mirage
Rachael Forsyth (*1982): Soggy Shoes Blues
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (16651729): Menuet
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (18571930): A Harvest Reel
Hedwige Chrétien (1859-1944): Pierrot sautille - Gertrud Orff-Willert (19142000): Andante con moto
Ivana Loudová (19412017): The Sleeping Beauty
Wendy Hiscocks (*1963): Fig and Fennel
Vera Mohrs (*1984): Two Cats Playing
Anna Bon (1738after 1767): Andante
Maria Szymanowska (17891831): Mazurka
Elfrida Andrée (18411929): Allegro moderato
Agathe Backer Grøndahl (18471907): Song of Youth
Ethel Smyth (18581944): Minuet
Mélanie Bonis (18581937): Frère Jacques
Samantha Ward (*1982): Rockin Fingers