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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 (suljettu ma 6.1.2025) | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
John Thompson: First Film Music (pf)
Hinta: 17,30
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Kokoelma elokuvamusiikkia, joka täydentää Thompsonin Easiest Piano Course -pianokoulun kakkos-, kolmos- tai nelososaa soittavien pianistien ohjelmistoa.
Organ Symphony (Theme) (from Babe)
Beyond The Sea (from Finding Nemo)
Carnival Of The Animals: Finale (from Fantasia 2000)
Circle Of Life (from The Lion King)
Hushabye Mountain (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
Im A Believer (from Shrek)
If I Didnt Have You (from Monsters, Inc.)
Pure Imagination (from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory)
Ratatouille (Theme) (from Ratatouille)
Reprise (from Spirited Away)
Scene from Swan Lake (from Billy Elliot)
The Simpsons (Theme) (from The Simpsons)
The Sorcerers Apprentice (from Fantasia)
Wallace And Gromit (Theme) (from Wallace And Gromit)
When She Loved Me (from Toy Story 2)
Organ Symphony (Theme) (from Babe)
Beyond The Sea (from Finding Nemo)
Carnival Of The Animals: Finale (from Fantasia 2000)
Circle Of Life (from The Lion King)
Hushabye Mountain (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
Im A Believer (from Shrek)
If I Didnt Have You (from Monsters, Inc.)
Pure Imagination (from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory)
Ratatouille (Theme) (from Ratatouille)
Reprise (from Spirited Away)
Scene from Swan Lake (from Billy Elliot)
The Simpsons (Theme) (from The Simpsons)
The Sorcerers Apprentice (from Fantasia)
Wallace And Gromit (Theme) (from Wallace And Gromit)
When She Loved Me (from Toy Story 2)