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Oxford Hymn Settings 3: Lent and Passiontide (org)
Hinta: 38,00
David Blackwell: A new commandment
Ashley Grote: Aberystwyth
Ashley Grote: Abridge
Christopher Tambling: Aus der Tiefe/Heinlein
Brian Solomons: Breslau
Craig Phillips: Caithness
Malcolm Archer: Caswall/Wem in Leidenstagen
Robert J. Powell: Ellacombe
James Biery: Erhalt uns, Herr
David Blackwell: Gerontius
David Thorne: Grafton
David Schelat: Hamburg
Philip Moore: Herongate
David Blackwell: Herzliebster Jesu
Philip Moore: Horsley
Matthew Corl: Love unknown
David Blackwell: Olivet
Mary Beth Bennett: Pange lingua
David Bednall: Passion Chorale/Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Lament)
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Passion Chorale/Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Meditation)
Philip Moore: Petra/Redhead No. 76
Robert J. Powell: Rathbun
Christopher Tambling: Rockingham
David Schelat: St Flavian
Rebecca Groom te Velde: St Theodulph/Valet will ich dir geben
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Song 13
David Blackwell: Song 46
Alan Bullard: Southwell
Matthew Corl: The King's Majesty
Alan Bullard: The Servant King
Alan Bullard: Ubi caritas
Aaron Miller: Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten
Craig Phillips: Were you there?
A.D. Miller: Winchester New
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Wondrous Love