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The Organist's Great Big Christmas Book
Hinta: 43,50
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
A sackful of music for the busiest season of the year
At last, a definitive Christmas collection for organists! This new book offers 31 festive pieces by some of the finest organ composers together with preludes, last-verse arrangements and music for after the last verse to 33 of the most popular carols - some in two keys - making a bumper total of 150 pieces!
A Christmas pastorale - Malcolm McKelvey
A gallery carol - Andrew Fletcher
A partridge in a pear tree - Quentin Thomas
And the shepherds returned, glorifying God - Philip Moore
At the manger - Andrew Moore
Angel of peace - Malcolm Archer
Bethlehem lullaby - Malcolm Archer
Carillon on 'Quittez, pasteurs' - Rosalie Bonighton
Christmas postlude - Richard Lloyd
Cradle song - Richard Shephard
Cradle song - Noel Rawsthorne
Dans cette étable - Norman Warren
Et incarnatus est - Andrew Wright
Gloria - François Couperin
Hodie Christus natus est - Colin Mawby
Holy rapture - Richard Lloyd
Kyrie de la Messe de Noël - César Franck
Let the merry organ sound - Colin Mawby
Lullaby at the crib - Colin Mawby
Mary's lullaby Christopher Tambling
Noël - Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Noël en duo - Jean Jacques Charpentier
Noël étranger - Louis D'Aquin
Noël Suisse - Louis D'Aquin
Noël sur les flutes - Louis D'Aquin
Pastoral symphony with angels - Colin Hand
Song of cradle love - Quentin Thomas
Tambourin sur des Noëls - Jean Jacques Charpentier
The angels' lullaby - Andrew Gant
The shepherds' lullaby - Andrew Moore
We wish you a merry Christmas - Noel Rawsthorne
Carol-based pieces
A Virgin most pure
Angels from the realms of glory
Away in a manger
Christ was born on Christmas Day
Christians, awake!
Ding dong! merrily on high
God rest you merry, gentlemen
Good Christians all, rejoice
Good King Wenceslas
Hark, the herald-angels sing
I saw three ships
In the bleak mid-winter
Infant holy, infant lowly
It came upon the midnight clear
Joy to the world
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Mary had a baby
O come, all ye faithful
O little town of Bethlehem
Of the Father's love begotten
On Christmas night all Christians sing
Once in royal David's city
See, amid the winter's snow
Silent night
Sing lullaby
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The first Nowell
The holly and the ivy
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
Unto us a boy is born
We three kings of Orient are
What child is this?
While shepherds watched
At last, a definitive Christmas collection for organists! This new book offers 31 festive pieces by some of the finest organ composers together with preludes, last-verse arrangements and music for after the last verse to 33 of the most popular carols - some in two keys - making a bumper total of 150 pieces!
A Christmas pastorale - Malcolm McKelvey
A gallery carol - Andrew Fletcher
A partridge in a pear tree - Quentin Thomas
And the shepherds returned, glorifying God - Philip Moore
At the manger - Andrew Moore
Angel of peace - Malcolm Archer
Bethlehem lullaby - Malcolm Archer
Carillon on 'Quittez, pasteurs' - Rosalie Bonighton
Christmas postlude - Richard Lloyd
Cradle song - Richard Shephard
Cradle song - Noel Rawsthorne
Dans cette étable - Norman Warren
Et incarnatus est - Andrew Wright
Gloria - François Couperin
Hodie Christus natus est - Colin Mawby
Holy rapture - Richard Lloyd
Kyrie de la Messe de Noël - César Franck
Let the merry organ sound - Colin Mawby
Lullaby at the crib - Colin Mawby
Mary's lullaby Christopher Tambling
Noël - Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Noël en duo - Jean Jacques Charpentier
Noël étranger - Louis D'Aquin
Noël Suisse - Louis D'Aquin
Noël sur les flutes - Louis D'Aquin
Pastoral symphony with angels - Colin Hand
Song of cradle love - Quentin Thomas
Tambourin sur des Noëls - Jean Jacques Charpentier
The angels' lullaby - Andrew Gant
The shepherds' lullaby - Andrew Moore
We wish you a merry Christmas - Noel Rawsthorne
Carol-based pieces
A Virgin most pure
Angels from the realms of glory
Away in a manger
Christ was born on Christmas Day
Christians, awake!
Ding dong! merrily on high
God rest you merry, gentlemen
Good Christians all, rejoice
Good King Wenceslas
Hark, the herald-angels sing
I saw three ships
In the bleak mid-winter
Infant holy, infant lowly
It came upon the midnight clear
Joy to the world
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Mary had a baby
O come, all ye faithful
O little town of Bethlehem
Of the Father's love begotten
On Christmas night all Christians sing
Once in royal David's city
See, amid the winter's snow
Silent night
Sing lullaby
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The first Nowell
The holly and the ivy
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
Unto us a boy is born
We three kings of Orient are
What child is this?
While shepherds watched