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Piano Music by Women Composers 2
Hinta: 28,00
"Upon embarking on this project, I had little idea of what I would find. There were, of course, the "usual suspects:" women composers whose name and whose music have stood the test of time and are familiar to many. There were also those whose names ring a bell but whose music does not. The real unknowns were, well, the unknowns. How many women composers whose music is worth studying and listening to were out there? (...) When selecting, I searched for the following: beautiful interesting compositions that students can benefit from and will love learning, teachers will enjoy teaching, and audiences will appreciate; a variety to styles, composers, and nationalities; showcasing as many composers as possible, while striking a balance between well-known, lesser know, and unknown composers." - Immanuela Gruenberg, in the Preface. These brand new collecions come in two volumes, with book 1 arranged for upper elementary to early intermediate pianists, and Book 2 arranged for intermediate to upper intermediate level pianists.
1. Grand Spanish Waltz in A Major [Mélanie Bonis]
2. It's Raining! [Mélanie Bonis]
3. Little Waltz in B-flat Major from Children's Album (Volume 2), Op. 126, No. 12 [Cécile Chaminade]
4. Melancholy from Two Pieces, 25, No. 1 [Cécile Chaminade]
5. Song Without Words in E-flat Major from Six Songs Without Words for Piano [Frederikke Egeberg]
6. Etude in F Major from 25 Intermediate Studies, Op. 42, No. 5 [Louise Farrenc]
7. Etude in G Major from 12 Studies in Dexterity, Op. 41, No. 2 [Louise Farrenc]
8. Melody in A-flat Major [Louise Farrenc]
9. Piano Piece in A-flat Major from Piano Pieces, Op. Posthumous, No. 4 [Emma Hartmann]
10. Summer Song MARIE JAËLL: Friendly Teasing from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
11. The Shepherd and the Echo from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
12. Whispers of the Forests from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
13. Edelweiss [Natalia Jonatha]
14. Homesickness from Three Piano Pieces [Josephine Lang]
15. Minuet: Sadness from Three Piano Pieces [Josephine Lang]
16. Mazurka in A minor MARIANNA MARTINES: Allegro from Sonata in A Major [Kate Loder]
17. Impromptu in A-flat Major, Op. 44 [Emilie Mayer]
18. Melody in E-flat Major from Six Melodies for the Piano, Op. 5, No. 6 [Fanny Mendelssohn]
19. Larghetto from Four Songs for the Piano, Op. 8, No. 3 No. 1 [Fanny Mendelssohn]
20. A Legend from Four Piano Pieces, Op. 9, [Adele Aus Der Ohe]
21. Sorry [Fanny Scholfield Petrie]
22. Song Without Words in E minor from Six Songs Without Words, Op. 18, No. 4 [Joy Delphine Von Schauroth]
23. Romance in A minor, WoO 28 (1892 version) [Clara Schumann]
24. Austrian Dance in A-flat Major from The People of Kapfenberg, Op. 67, No. 5 [Anna Stubenberg]
25. Polonaise in E minor from 18 Dances in Different Genres for Piano [Marie Szymanowska]
26. Quadrille in F Major from 18 Dances in Different Genres for Piano [Marie Szymanowska]
27. Pensée musicale [Stephanie Vrabely]
1. Grand Spanish Waltz in A Major [Mélanie Bonis]
2. It's Raining! [Mélanie Bonis]
3. Little Waltz in B-flat Major from Children's Album (Volume 2), Op. 126, No. 12 [Cécile Chaminade]
4. Melancholy from Two Pieces, 25, No. 1 [Cécile Chaminade]
5. Song Without Words in E-flat Major from Six Songs Without Words for Piano [Frederikke Egeberg]
6. Etude in F Major from 25 Intermediate Studies, Op. 42, No. 5 [Louise Farrenc]
7. Etude in G Major from 12 Studies in Dexterity, Op. 41, No. 2 [Louise Farrenc]
8. Melody in A-flat Major [Louise Farrenc]
9. Piano Piece in A-flat Major from Piano Pieces, Op. Posthumous, No. 4 [Emma Hartmann]
10. Summer Song MARIE JAËLL: Friendly Teasing from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
11. The Shepherd and the Echo from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
12. Whispers of the Forests from The Good Days [Cécile Hartog]
13. Edelweiss [Natalia Jonatha]
14. Homesickness from Three Piano Pieces [Josephine Lang]
15. Minuet: Sadness from Three Piano Pieces [Josephine Lang]
16. Mazurka in A minor MARIANNA MARTINES: Allegro from Sonata in A Major [Kate Loder]
17. Impromptu in A-flat Major, Op. 44 [Emilie Mayer]
18. Melody in E-flat Major from Six Melodies for the Piano, Op. 5, No. 6 [Fanny Mendelssohn]
19. Larghetto from Four Songs for the Piano, Op. 8, No. 3 No. 1 [Fanny Mendelssohn]
20. A Legend from Four Piano Pieces, Op. 9, [Adele Aus Der Ohe]
21. Sorry [Fanny Scholfield Petrie]
22. Song Without Words in E minor from Six Songs Without Words, Op. 18, No. 4 [Joy Delphine Von Schauroth]
23. Romance in A minor, WoO 28 (1892 version) [Clara Schumann]
24. Austrian Dance in A-flat Major from The People of Kapfenberg, Op. 67, No. 5 [Anna Stubenberg]
25. Polonaise in E minor from 18 Dances in Different Genres for Piano [Marie Szymanowska]
26. Quadrille in F Major from 18 Dances in Different Genres for Piano [Marie Szymanowska]
27. Pensée musicale [Stephanie Vrabely]